Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black & White Portraits

I've always been intrigued by Black & White photography. From ever since I first got into photography, shooting B&W film with my Nikon N65, to processing monochromic digital images from my Nikon D60, to me, B&W photos makes the subject appear classic, dignified and sophisticated...

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An Evening at the Mosque

One of the greatest things about living in a huge cosmopolitan city like New York is the fascinating people that you meet in your day-to-day life. In the almost 15 years I've been a New Yorker, I've met people from just about every corner of the planet - from a BASE-jumping Colombian daredevil, to a Slovak contemporary dance choreographer, to a hardcore fruitarian from Jamaica. One semester at college I even sat between a Serb and a Croat in a Political Science class! Talk about lively lectures...

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Street Portraits

I generally dislike most portrait photography. The reason is simply because I hate posing. To this day, I remember as a child, loathing my mother for dressing up my older brother and I in our "Sunday's Best" to take us to the photo studio for the obligatory family portrait...

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